Weatherizing Your Home in 4 Easy Steps

Did you know an average un-weatherized house has the leak equivalent of a two feet wide-open window? Weatherizing not only improves the comfort of your home, but it can also save money on your energy bill. In today’s blog post, we’re going to share four steps to weatherize yor home. But before we begin, you need to know about your home’s thermal envelope.

What is a Thermal Envelope?

This refers to the parts of your home that keep you shielded from the elements of nature. It includes your floors, foundation, walls, roof, insulation, windows, and anything else that may help you separate your living space from the outside. Your home’s thermal envelope is the key to weatherizing your home.

1. Check Your Roof

Water stains inside your home are indicative signs of a leak. Check your roof for:

  • Damaged or missing flashings and vents
  • Missing shingles
  • Loose fasteners
  • Clogged gutters

2. Walk the Perimeter

Make sure to remove any debris from the exterior of your home. Leaves, brush and dirt against the exterior of your home invite moisture problems, bugs and decay.

  1. Seal any openings, in your home’s thermal envelope, with spray foam or caulking. Check the following for gaps or holes:
    • Hose bibs
    • Electrical boxes
    • Dryer vents
    • Windows and doors
    • Pellet or gas stove exhausts
    • Cracks in siding and around trim
  2. Install foundation vent plugs
  3. Clean and inspect chimneys (call a pro if needed)

3. Check the Interior

Fix air leaks and check the insulation on the inside of your home.

  • Replace damaged fire brick in your wood stove
  • Add insulation to your attic and basement
  • Seal and insulate attic doors and crawlspaces
  • Check door sweeps and weather stripping

4. Wrap It Up

Wrapping up bigger elements can also save on energy.

  • Consider pipe insulation wraps
  • Use window plastic if needed. New windows would be great
  • Heat tapes can be used on pipes and gutters
  • Use water heater wraps if the heater is in a cold area like a garage (check first to ensure this doesn’t void the warranty)

Have more questions? We’re here to help!