Framing Lumber Forecast: cloudy with a chance of higher prices

According to the latest Random Lengths lumber market report, prices of framing lumber has been increasing. For contractors, this means you need to keep higher prices in mind when you bid on your next job. For consumers, this means you should start your do-it-yourself projects as soon as possible.

Week of January 11
Week of January 4
Year Ago
Change From
Last Year
Random Lengths Framing Lumber Composite Price* $396 $389 $279 +42%
KD Western S-P-F #2&Btr 2×4 R/L Mill Price $388 $388 $259 +50%
KD Eastern S-P-F #1&2 2×4 R/L, delivered Great Lakes $484 $477 $347 +39%
Green Douglas Fir Std&Btr 2×4 R/L (Portland) $345 $340 $222 +55%
Southern Pine (Westside) #2 2×4 R/L $455 $443 $296 +54%
KD Coast Hem-Fir #2&Btr 2×4 R/L $405 $400 $260 +56%
Ponderosa Pine (Inland) #2&Btr 1×12 R/L $500 $500 $580 -14%
* Weighted average of 15 key items